So some of u may be thinking what d heck wif my title 4 dis post, it's about the new and hot drama series that are being aired in korea rite now... dis drama has shock d whole korean in its 1st premier, and has sent a wave to d world. Peple from all over d world are talking about it (mostly people who are really in2 kdrama). Skng ni kat korea tgh aired hari isnin and selasa 21:55 local time at KBS, skng ni bru episde 7 tpi rating view 4 dis drama is huge.. Mybe korng msh lgi t'tnya2 apa la yg aku tgh ckp ni kan. it's about what... well ni drma is d adaptation of the famous manga Hana Yori Dango...
Yep ladies and gentlemen... dis is the Meteor Garden and Hana Yori Dango versi Korea..
so some of u (mybe all) have heard d stroy or even obses wif the stry.. if so
u guys should see did drama... best gla...
it's basicly d same storyline.. but each one of this drma has it's own aura..
memandangkan ia di terbitkan dri b'brpa country yg berbeza..
so it has it's own uniqueness.... hehehe
but d prob is dat kat korea bru ja aired smpi episde 7
jdi sabar2 ja al tunggu ni crta...
skng ni aku tgh gla pasal ni crta..
it's addictive.... huhuhu xsbr lgi mau tunggu epsde 8 d mana Goo Joon Pyo
iaitu watak utama akan mengalami kemalangan...
so exciting...
so dis is d poster 4 d drama....
not much time in my hand rite now coz assingment byk nak buat...
nnti post lgi bout dis drama
p.s: bru je abis tgk episde 8... ;P
iSlaNd GirL_s
so some of u (mybe all) have heard d stroy or even obses wif the stry.. if so
u guys should see did drama... best gla...
it's basicly d same storyline.. but each one of this drma has it's own aura..
memandangkan ia di terbitkan dri b'brpa country yg berbeza..
so it has it's own uniqueness.... hehehe
but d prob is dat kat korea bru ja aired smpi episde 7
jdi sabar2 ja al tunggu ni crta...
skng ni aku tgh gla pasal ni crta..
it's addictive.... huhuhu xsbr lgi mau tunggu epsde 8 d mana Goo Joon Pyo
iaitu watak utama akan mengalami kemalangan...
so exciting...
so dis is d poster 4 d drama....
not much time in my hand rite now coz assingment byk nak buat...
nnti post lgi bout dis drama
p.s: bru je abis tgk episde 8... ;P
iSlaNd GirL_s
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