so last week is our mid sem break.. so 1 week cuti la.. thank god la my mom turun kl
so x boring la... dpt la tmpng sekaki wif my mom.. so my mom datang ari sab2... so dat day me and my fwen.. izati.. took d bas selangor 2 go 2 kl (by d way she's going 2 her hometown in pahang) so i turun la kat masjid jamek and try 2 check in kat palace hotel (my mom fav hotel in kl)
dat nite my mom arrived we shared the room with her friend.. sampay lgi my mom shopping tudung kat jln TAR and Masjid India... huhuhu
we went 2 low yat 2 buy a few things 4 a friend of my mom... smpt la lgi buy stuf 4 me... i just bought kaspersky internet security.. ok la d price... huhuhu usha2 handphone LG CYLON but malangnya kat sini dah tukar nma and xtau nama 2... balik dr lowyat trus surf d web.. trying 2 find d name... i think it is KF501 series... mau bli tpi byak org ckp it's not worthy... so xjdi la.. intrested mau bli ni opun coz big bang.... i'm going crazy about BIG BANG rite now.. just ask my fwen su... she's already fed up wif me coz i keep shputing big bang at our room... poor her... sowy su.. hope u x mind... (orng gla la katakan) huhuhuhu
so aftr dat me and my mom went to SOGO... i bli 2 t-shirt... huhuhuhu 70%.. kalo sogo ni la kan xtau la bla diorng xda sale... ada ja sale bla smpi si2... on teusday me mom and me went 2 melaka.. we naik d KTM 2 seremban and took a teksi fron there... for 3 days and 3 nite 1 spent my time in the hotel room... there's nothing 2 do.. my mom was buzy wif her bisnss... nak jalan2 pun xde tmpt coz tinggl kat area chinatown... after dat we went back 2 kl for 1 nite and then d next day i blk pe hostel...
so itulah yg trjdi pada cuti mid sem lps... huhuhu boring la jugak...
iSlaNd GirL_s
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