Tuesday, January 27

Boys Before Flowers.... Kgotboda Namja

So some of u may be thinking what d heck wif my title 4 dis post, it's about the new and hot drama series that are being aired in korea rite now... dis drama has shock d whole korean in its 1st premier, and has sent a wave to d world. Peple from all over d world are talking about it (mostly people who are really in2 kdrama). Skng ni kat korea tgh aired hari isnin and selasa 21:55 local time at KBS, skng ni bru episde 7 tpi rating view 4 dis drama is huge.. Mybe korng msh lgi t'tnya2 apa la yg aku tgh ckp ni kan. it's about what... well ni drma is d adaptation of the famous manga Hana Yori Dango...

Yep ladies and gentlemen... dis is the Meteor Garden and Hana Yori Dango versi Korea..
so some of u (mybe all) have heard d stroy or even obses wif the stry.. if so
u guys should see did drama... best gla...
it's basicly d same storyline.. but each one of this drma has it's own aura..
memandangkan ia di terbitkan dri b'brpa country yg berbeza..
so it has it's own uniqueness.... hehehe
but d prob is dat kat korea bru ja aired smpi episde 7
jdi sabar2 ja al tunggu ni crta...
skng ni aku tgh gla pasal ni crta..
it's addictive.... huhuhu xsbr lgi mau tunggu epsde 8 d mana Goo Joon Pyo
iaitu watak utama akan mengalami kemalangan...
so exciting...

so dis is d poster 4 d drama....

not much time in my hand rite now coz assingment byk nak buat...
nnti post lgi bout dis drama
p.s: bru je abis tgk episde 8... ;P

iSlaNd GirL_s

Monday, January 26

Happy Chinese New Year

Selamat menyambut CNY kepada sesiapa yg meraikannya...
2 my class mate Choo sui ling & 2 all my chinese fwen.. have a good health dis year
(lbh bgus wish health b'bnding othrs coz kalo kaya tpi xshat apa gna kan)
if last year when CNY celebrate kat ipoh (what a choice coz ipoh is populated with mostly chinese)
dis year kat uni ja.. sobsob..
teringat lgi kat ipoh, punya main meriah.. ada yg sampai booked 1 place ni and make it like a club
muzik blh kedengaran dr 3 km... memang happening la tpi bisibg plak.. kesian orng yg mau tido...
cuti kmi 5 hari mula hari rabu.. jdi t'perap ja la d uni.....
skng ni jelous my fwen tun teja persona coz dia blh blk.... ahhhhhhhh
msti best 2 kan.. dpt clbrt CNY d hometwn...
so dis past couple of days cuma kat bilk ja la... surf d intrnt..
crta Hana Yori Dongo 1,2 & movie nya udah tgk abis..
Boys Before Flowers (HYD vrsn korea) udah smpi episode 6 coz kat korea bru smpi epsd 6
tnggu mlm ni or 2morrw bru blh tgk, kat korea crta ni air ari isnin & slasa...
ni semua thanks 2 mysoju... best that website...
memang feeding our drama ediction
k la smpi sini dlu...
post lain kli lgi...

iSlaNd GirL_s

Wednesday, January 21


sowy la lama udah xpost anything in here...
it's been a hectic week..
with d class and all...
mara lgi buat hal... udah tau chslry ni byk prob c2 jua ia mau byk bnda...
class ok la... but bru ja 1st month ada dah prob...
budak STPM slalu ja tkar jadual...
kalo dirng bgtau xpa la, ni x.. punya main bengang kami....
sapa x marah... tiba2 ja jadual lain...
sampai ada lecterur yng marah....
2la kan... diorang ckp kalo bdk foundation pe bchlr ni sombong sikit...
tpi skng ni lain plng crtanya... bdk STPM plng yg buat hal...
ish2.. tpi skng ni ok la udah coz tdi ms.hayati udah sound...
skng ni aku gla crita meteor garden or hana yori dingi versi korea..
best gla... problm nya kat korea bru ja main episode 6.... ovrll ada 24 episode...
nasib baik ada intrnt... dapat jua tgk yg tayang kat korea, walaupun lambat 1 hari...
hari 2 ada bli VCD zettai kareshi...
best crtanya... in english it means absolute boyfriend..
huhuhu funny and tauching..
kuar air mata... kesian crtanya.... ksah cinta yg x akan kesampaian...
skang ni tunggu VCD Fated to Love You.. or Your My Destiny..
best kalo mama tgk ni msti nangis punya la...
crta ni dari taiwan.... actress nya pelakon dlm crta
the prince who turn into frog...
x sabar mau tgk 2 crta...

iSlaNd GirL_s