Monday, July 27


I'm really into K-entertainment rite now, and i'm so crazy bout this variety show called Family Outing or FO in short, its like the best ever (in my opinion) here's the ramyunsoup to their YT accnt. this is their 2nd accnt cuz the 1st one got warning from YT so they have 2 made a 2nd accnt in order for the 1st one didn't get canceled, click ramensoup for the ist accnt...this is like the best show ever... i highly recommended it for you guys to watch it.. u would be laughing your heart out.. hehehe and i am here to spread the K-E love...

ok now my post is related 2 d title, i'm so in to this FO that i decided to become part of the subbing team, but i can't translate korea so i've decided to apply for a Timer, Typesetter, or even encoder post.. so right now i am googling about it in the web.. and then my cousin suggested to me a briliant idea "looked it up in YT" and how dumb of me of not thinking about it earlier.. YT is so much better than the written tutorial, cuz i am so stupid to understand what the writer want me to do, it takes me 2 days to understand what the heck is the writer trying to say.. hehehe..

Look out K-world here i come... hahahah

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